to Mar 9

2025 Junior Jack Kamp

About the event

Learn species ID, spot and stalk hunting, predator calling techniques, field dressing, meat preparation and more. Family event.

Meals provided, including wild game from harvest from the hunt on one night.

• Location: Three Points area, SW of Tucson
• Hosted by: Arizona Chapter of Safari Club International

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to Feb 23

2025 AZSCI Javelina Jamboree

About the Event

Join us for camaraderie and campfire on this javelina hunt that is fun for the entire family, new and experienced hunters. This is not a mentored event, but there will be plenty of people willing to share knowledge.

We will provide dinner on the evening of opening day. Group campsite for 38 offers trailer and tent camping.

• Location: Buenos Aires NWR, Group Campsite
• Hosted by: Arizona Chapter of Safari Club International

About the Location

The camp is located at Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge Group Campsite, at approximately Milepost 4, west of the town of Arivaca. The best landmark to use for the entrance is a communications tower on the south side of the Arivaca-Sasabe Highway.

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to Nov 24

AZSCI Junior Deer Camp

Location: Unit 36A, 36B & 36C-near Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge Click here for a map/pictures of location.

Dates: November 22-28, 2024

36A - Hunt# 1172

36B - Hunt# 1173

36C - Hunt# 1174

The Junior Deer camp is an annual event our chapter puts on to help get youth excited about hunting and the outdoors.

We will have mentors and guides as well as assistance from the Arizona Game and Fish Department.  We try to partner every hunter with a guide if they need one.  

The chapter provides all of the food and drinks from Friday through Sunday morning. For many campers, the famous and delicious Dutch oven desserts are a camp highlight! There is no cost to attend the camp.

Our camp location is big enough for all camping types from a tent to a fifth wheel so bring the whole family!

If you have attended our camp in the past please note our new location:

The camp is located on the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge, at approximately Milepost 4, west of the town of Arivaca.  The best landmark to use for the entrance is a communications tower on the south side of the Arivaca-Sasabe Highway.

The youth hunts are located in units 36A, 36B, and 36C to get a tag for these hunts in 2024, make sure to put in for hunt numbers 1172 (36A), 1173 (36B) or 1174 (36C).  Also remember that if you are drawn for the youth hunt you can purchase a companion javelina tag to go with the deer tag.  Please contact Arizona Game and Fish to purchase the tag.

In order to participate in the camp, the hunter needs to have completed the Arizona Game and Fish Hunter Safety Course.  Also, please make sure that the hunter is comfortable shooting their rifle and it is sighted in.

If you have any questions for the camp please contact us.  We look forward to seeing you at camp!

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6:30 AM06:30

AZSCI Fishing Day at Sahuarita Lake

About the Event

The Arizona Chapter of SCI invites you to come out and fish and even learn to fish at Sahuarita Lake. Equipment and instruction is provided with a free lunch being served at 10:45 am. We will be at the ramada at the south end of the lake.

Please note that a valid fishing license or combination license is required for anglers 10 years of age or older and may be purchased here:

Youth under the age of 10 and blind residents do not need to purchase a state fishing license to fish in Arizona.

For more information email

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4:00 AM04:00

2024 AZSCI Dove Day

Register here:

Our 3rd annual AZSCI Dove Day returns near Red Rock, Arizona. Do your hunting in the morning then stop by and see us. We will be serving lunch, giving out prizes and will have some merchandise on site.

Look for the AZSCI Cargo Trailer north of Sasco Road east of the feed lot that begins at Sasco and Coachway Road.

For more information or questions visit or email

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6:30 AM06:30

AZSCI Golf Tournament 2024

6:30 AM Registration

8:00 AM Shotgun Start

This will be a fun day for all skill levels!

Registration is now open. Foursomes are $400, a Foursome plus a Hole Sponsorship is $500.

All foursomes include 18 holes of golf for 4 golfers, golf cart rental, golf clubs if needed, AZSCI custom swag bags and lunch for 4 immediately following the tournament at McDonald Park.

Proceeds from this event go directly into our youth hunting camps and other wildlife conservation projects. Thank you for your support!

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7:00 AM07:00

Dragoons Water Catchment Project

Volunteers needed for an upcoming conservation project in 30B.

On Saturday, March 16th, the Arizona Chapter of SCI in partnership with Wildlife Water Works and the Arizona Game and Fish Department will be repairing three water catchments in 30B.  Start time will be 7am in Benson. 

The project will consist of removing weeds and debris from the aprons of the water catchment and surrounding perimeter, cleaning, repairing, and surface coating the aprons as well as fence repair as needed.

The benefit of this is to rejuvenate the old catchments resulting in them being more efficient at collecting water.

We recommend volunteers bring work gloves if you have them (we will have some available), wear protective clothing, sunscreen, and a chair to take breaks in.

AZSCI will provide water, fruit, and lunch.

If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information please email

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to Mar 1

AZSCI Javelina Jamboree

  • Buenos Aires Wildlife Refuge Group Camp Site (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Javelina Jamboree

February 22nd -March 1st, 2024

Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge Group Campsite

Arivaca, AZ

Map to Camp Location:

The Arizona Chapter of SCI invites you to join us at the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge Group Campsite for the General Javelina Hunt in Units 36A, 36B, 36C. Come out and enjoy the comradery and campfire at the Group Campsite that has 38 designated campsites for trailer and tent camping. The hunt numbers to apply for these hunts are 5028, 5029 and 5030. We look forward to seeing you in camp!

For more information email

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6:00 AM06:00

AZSCI Fishing Day at Sahuarita Lake

Big thanks to everybody who joined us for a day of fishing! It was nice meeting some new people and we look forward to seeing you at our future events.

Congrats to all the kids (and kids at heart) that caught some fish, too!

Fishing Day at Sahuarita Lake

September 30th, 2023

6:00 AM - 12 Noon

Gazebo 2 (South End of the Lake)

341 E Placita Haciendas del Lago

Sahuarita, AZ 85629

The Arizona Chapter of SCI invites you to come out and fish and even learn to fish at Sahuarita Lake.  Equipment and instruction is provided with a free lunch being served at 10:45 am.

Please note that a valid fishing license or combination license is required for anglers 10 years of age or older and may be purchased online here:

Youth under the age of 10 and blind residents do not need to purchase a state fishing license to fish in Arizona.

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to Sep 24

34B Water Catchment Project

Volunteers needed for future events like this! Email us at to get in touch.

The Arizona Chapter of SCI, in partnership with Wildlife Water Works and Arizona Mule Deer Organization Regions 5 and 5 South, repaired two water catchments in 34B on September 23rd and 24th.

This project consisted of removing weeds and debris from the aprons of the water catchments and surrounding perimeter, cleaning, repairing, and surface coating the aprons. 

The benefit of this project is to rejuvenate the old catchments resulting in them being more efficient at collecting and providing water for wildlife.

If you are interested in volunteering for future projects like this, please email

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to Apr 30

36A Water Catchment Improvements

Volunteers needed for upcoming conservation project in 36A.

April 29th-30th AZSCI in partnership with Wildlife Water Works will be repairing three water catchments in 36A.  Start time will be 6am at Arivaca highway and Las Guijas-Cerro Colorado Rd.

The project will consist of removing weeds and debris from the aprons of the water catchment and surrounding perimeter, cleaning, repairing, and surface coating the aprons as well as fence repair if needed.

The benefit of this is to rejuvenate the old catchments resulting in them being more efficient at collecting water.

We recommend volunteers bring work gloves if you have them available (we will have some available) wear protective clothing, sunscreen, and chair to take breaks in.

AZSCI will provide water, fruit, and lunch.

If you are interested in volunteering please email

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11:00 AM11:00

AZSCI Family Day

  • International Wildlife Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

UPDATE: Thanks for joining us! Hope everyone had a great time!

March 18, 2023

11:00am – 2:00pm

International Wildlife Museum

4800 W. Gates Pass

Come to the AZSCI Family Day and visit with members and catch up on all the good things going on.

SCI members, family and guests.

Lunch provided.

No charge – all costs covered by the AZSCI Chapter.

Please use the following Google Link RSVP form so we can plan accordingly for food.

We look forward to seeing you and your family at this event.

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8:00 AM08:00

Pusch Ridge Wilderness Habitat Improvement Project

UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who volunteered to make this project happen!

On March 18, 2023, AZSCI is doing a Habitat Improvement Project at Cottonwood Tank in GMU 33 on the west side of the Catalina Mountains. The project will consist of hauling 473 cubic feet of evaporation blocks weighing approximately 4800 lbs. 3/8ths of a mile. The project requires 10-20 volunteers.

Brian Ham organized the project, and the evaporative blocks were purchased by a grant from the Arizona Chapter of SCI. The tank is located on the Pusch Ridge Wilderness, so no mechanized travel is allowed. The Wright family has agreed to provide some mule power to haul the blocks. However, ground crews at the staging location and at the tank are needed for loading and unloading the blocks. It may also be necessary for some manual packing via back packs to complete the work in one day. Each 1 cubic foot of blocks weigh ten pounds, so loads will not be overly heavy. The staging location and the tank are at about the same elevation and there is one small canyon to cross. Start time will be 8:00 AM.

The entrance to the staging location is located behind a manned guard gate and a code word will be provided for entrance on the 18th to those that have volunteered.  AZSCI is providing bottled water and lunch is being provided by Brian Ham.

To volunteer please email

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to Nov 20

AZSCI Youth Camp 2022

Location: Unit 36A, 36B & 36C-near Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge

2022 Dates: Thursday, November 17-Sunday, November 20 

Click Here to Register as a Hunter, Camper or Volunteer

The Junior Deer camp is an annual event our chapter puts on to help get youth excited about hunting and the outdoors.

We will have mentors and guides as well as assistance from the Arizona Game and Fish Department.  We try to partner every hunter with a guide if they need one.  

The chapter provides all of the food and drinks from Friday through Sunday morning. For many campers, the famous and delicious Dutch oven desserts are a camp highlight! There is no cost to attend the camp.

Our camp location is big enough for all camping types from a tent to a fifth wheel so bring the whole family!

If you have attended our camp in the past please note our new location:

The camp is now located on the Buenos Aires Refuge, at approximately Milepost 4, west of the town of Arivaca.  The best landmark to use for the entrance is a communications tower on the south side of the Arivaca-Sasabe Highway.

The youth hunts are located in units 36A, 36B, and 36C to get a tag for these hunts using the 2022 Arizona Game and Fish Department’s deer regulations make sure to put in for hunt numbers 1170 (36A) and 1171 (36B) or 1172 (36C).  Also remember that if you are drawn for the youth hunt you can purchase a companion javelina tag to go with the deer tag.  Please contact Arizona Game and Fish to purchase the tag.

In order to participate in the camp, the hunter needs to have completed the Arizona Game and Fish Hunter Safety Course.  Also, please make sure that the hunter is comfortable shooting their rifle and it is sighted in.

If you have any questions for the camp please contact us.  We look forward to seeing you at camp!

New for 2022: We need everyone in camp (hunters, campers and volunteers) to use the “Register Here” link below to sign up for the camp.

This will ensure that we have an accurate count and enough food for everyone in camp.


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5:45 AM05:45

AZSCI Dove Hunt

SCI Member Prizes for: Heaviest Limit, Lightest Limit and Most Eurasian Collared-Doves. Participation is free for SCI members in good standing. People can sign up for SCI membership or renew their expired membership at the event. One year membership for $65, 3-Year membership for $150 or a Lifetime membership for $1,500.

Weigh In/Check: Sunrise to 11:15 am.

Winners announced at 11:30 am. Must be present to win.

Lunch Served at 11:00 am. $5 suggested donation.

Location: Red Rock Feed Lot, Corner of Coachway and Hollis.

Time: Sunrise - 12 Noon

Event Update: Thanks to everyone who stopped by to say hello! Congrats to Shea and Jerry on winning prizes and thanks for joining SCI!

Our next event is the Junior Deer Camp in November. Hope to see you all there.

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7:00 AM07:00

Benson Area Cleanup

Our friend’s at the Arizona Game and Fish Region 5 office asked for our help with another desert clean up project. This clean up project was near Benson on April 23.

The area had five cleanup locations and the clean up crews did a great job on this project!

Big thanks on this project goes out to:

Elite Sales and Service

Marsh Development

Big Rax 520

Chris Saylor at Cochise County Government

And of course the members and volunteers!!

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