Putting Your Generosity To Work
Thank you to our members and supporters! Without your generous support, none of these programs would be possible.
-Catalina Bighorn Restoration
-Unit 35A and 35B Pronghorn Project
-Funded and provided volunteers for eight water catchments in Region 5 of the state as well several annual desert clean ups.
-Legislation Partnerships
-Funding for Bobcats in Tucson
-Dragoon Mountains Water Catchment Improvements
-Be sure to check out our Events Calendar to see upcoming projects and how you can participate!
34B Water Catchment Improvement Project: September 2023
On September 23rd & 24th, in conjunction with Arizona Game & Fish, Wildlife Water Works and Arizona Mule Deer Organization, we improved two water catchments in Unit 34B.
Projects like this are made possible thanks to our online raffle supporters and banquet attendees!

36A Water Catchment Improvement Project: April 2023
On April 29th & 30th, in conjunction with Arizona Game & Fish and Wildlife Water Works, we rejuvenated three water catchments from the 1950’s in 36A. Thank you to everyone who volunteered for this project!

34A Water Catchment Improvement with Wildlife Water Works
We were proud to help Wildlife Water Works repair a catchment apron in 34A in April of 2023.
Water Projects
The Arizona Chapter of SCI has been involved in a number of water tank construction and maintenance projects over the years. Our most recent project took place in the Catalina Mountains in March of 2023. Our volunteers hauled blocks designed to reduce evaporation to this vital water source for all kinds of wildlife.

Desert Clean Ups
In 2022, the Arizona Chapter has increased its efforts in desert clean up projects. Our friends at the Region 5 Offices with the Arizona Game and Fish Department have a long list of areas that need attention and we are happy to step up and help out.
The gallery below includes pictures from one clean up project near Sonoita and another one near Benson.
Thanks to the following:
-Elite Sales and Service
-Marsh Development
-Big Rax 520
-Chris Saylor at Cochise County Government
-And of course the members and volunteers!!

Aravaipa Canyon Area Access Program
Members of the Arizona Chapter of SCI Board of Directors present a $4,000 check to Matt Walton of the Arizona Game and Fish Department at the 2021 AZSCI Fundraising Banquet.
The $4,000 spent on this project helped fund a survey and bond which will preserve access to hunters, hikers and anyone who enjoys this unique area.
We were proud to be one of nine conservation organizations to help fund one of the largest public access projects in Southern Arizona's history. The Trust for Public Land and the Bureau of Land Management recently announced the completion of the project. From their press release:
A main objective of this project was to create public access to this landscape for hunting, hiking, equestrian and other outdoor recreational uses in an area that has historically been locked off to the public. According to the Arizona Game and Fish Department, another partner in this project, the protection of the ranch and adding these private lands into public ownership has created guaranteed permanent public access to 40,000 acres that were previously closed. In addition to the outdoor public recreation benefits provided, the protection of this ranch will also protect a substantial portion of the watershed for nearby Aravaipa Creek, containing the most diverse collection of native fish in Arizona, and preserve an important wildlife migration corridor for desert bighorn sheep and other wildlife.
“Across Arizona, millions of acres of our public lands are blocked to recreational use by private landowners, leaving many rural communities and outdoor enthusiasts without access to land traditionally used for hunting, hiking, and horse riding,” said Michael Patrick, Senior Project Manager for The Trust for Public Land. “This project will protect an important landscape and provide thousands of acres of public access to these beautiful wild lands. A notable aspect of completing this complicated conservation transaction was the collaboration with many partners, including the financial support of numerous sportsmen and outdoor groups who said to just tell them what we needed to make this project successful.”
Thank You Letter from Esperanza En Escalante
Dear Members of AZ Chapter of SCI,
On behalf of the Esperanza En Escalante Board of Directors, thank you for your kind donation of food. Our in-house food bank recipients appreciated your donation. Esperanza En Escalante is deeply grateful that you have given this donation so generously in support of our veteran men and women in our organization.
Because of your generosity, when people face homelessness, EEE is here to provide housing, counseling and supportive services that they may need to transform their lives. They are our neighbors who are homeless due to the lasting effects of combat, and veteran men and women who are released from incarceration without housing or support. Our every aim is to prepare them for successful reintegration into our community. Your gift enriches veterans’ lives and helps EEE to achieve the enduring commitment we have pledged to our veteran community and to their families.
Thank you for the continuous support.
Executive Director